Sunday, November 17, 2013

I Am No Frontline H.O.

Frontliners. These are your carnival head honchos.  They are those women and men that you cannot help but stare at.  Some look so good in their costumes that crowds swarm them just to get a picture with them.  They're the daring bunch donning wire bras and feathered pieces so grand that you wonder how it's possible for them to even breathe... The show offs.  But they're not even on the top of the food chain of revelers!
Carnival TRIBE 2014 - Comanche Sunset Frontline
The individuals are the show stoppers.  Indies as I commonly refer to them, have costumes so embellished that they become the sights to see.  Take them all in without blinking. Because you won't see anyone else whose costume looks remotely close to this carnival king or queen.
Passion Carnival 2014 - Chasity Individual
Not to be forgotten are the backliners.  In my little head, they are carnival.  They're the free spirits.  The ones whose sole purpose is to get on bad.  The party people who without a doubt are the reason we all come running back year after year for more.
Island People Mas 2014 - Absolute backline
In the hierarchy of masqueraders, I still struggle to find my identity.  Truth be told, I have a bad reputation for stripping while chipping.  Loosely termed, I never return from playing mas the same way I left.  While I generally always get a frontline costume, my need to be on my absolute worst behavior when playing mas typically leaves me with a bathing suit instead of costume.  My headpiece (if I even bother to wear it) is usually the first to go.  As the liquor sets in, I bid the leg pieces and arm bands farewell.  And it's down hill from there.

While, I'll spare you all of the details of my stripper like tendencies, I have set forth a challenge for myself.  My costume for Trinidad Carnival 2014 is by far the most grand (and most expensive) that I've ever dared to wear.  Even though there is a lot of skin to bare, there are also so many extra large feathers in the headpiece and backpack that I am nervous.  But, I didn't pay $1500 American dollars to have some random child on the road wearing remnants of my fabulous costume (sorry kids, this costume is not up for grabs... not one jewel!).  So, I challenge myself to keep my costume on for the entire course of Carnival Tuesday.  It's a daunting task for someone who is used to leaving her home as a dazzling peacock and returning home a New York City pigeon but, I am up for the challenge.

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